House Gospel Choir – Don’t Stop Movin’

I wanted to get you on your feet and dancing this Sunday morning. So what could be better than the House Gospel Choir and a selection of their lockdown videos. The late great Frankie Knuckles once called house music: “church for people that have fallen from grace.” Anyone who has been caught up in the […]

Tom Lehrer – The Elements Song

The 1960’s witnessed the rise of satire, which the dictionary defines as ‘the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.’ Not that satire was exactly new, being able to trace its origins from Horace and Juvenal, […]

Kaz Mills – Fever

Today I want to take you back to the beginnings of YouTube. The platform first launched inthe USA in 2005 and quickly became the vehicle of choice for those who wanted to showcase their talents. In these early days the site was full of hopeful singers performing in their homes for the world to see. […]

BabyMetal – Gimme Chocolate

And now, in a complete change of pace. Question: ‘What would happen if you mixed Jpop and Heavy Metal? And the answer is: BabyMetal. BabyMetal are a Japanese ‘kawaii metal’ band. The band consists of Suzuka Nakamoto as “Su-metal” (Vocal and Dance) Moa Kikuchi as “Moametal” (Scream and Dance)and Yui Mizuno as “Yuimetal” (Scream and […]

Avalon Jazz Band – Ménilmontant

I thought this morning that it was time for some hot jazz and so I turned to the music of the Avalon Jazz Band. The band was formed in New York in 2014 by vocalist Tatiana Eva-Marie and violinist Adrien Chevalier. Their musical style is inspired by the sort of jazz played in Paris in […]

Chris Elliott and Caitlin Jones – Staffordshire Men

We first met Chris and Caitlin in 2015 when they supported the Hall Brothers at the Workshop Theatre, Halifax ( a lovely little venue). At that time they were part of a group called Bric-a-Brac along with Bella Gaffney and Hether Sirrel. When Bric-a-Brac disbanded (largely due to the distances involved in meeting) Chris and […]

Dodie Clark – A Song About Acne

Every now and then the internet rewards your hours of browsing with a little gem. Today I am delighted to share with you the unconsidered trifle that is Dodie Clark. She is an English singer-songwriter, author, and YouTuber from Epping, who is known for her light melodies juxtaposed by emotionally complex lyrics. Clark began her […]

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